Thursday, March 27, 2008

You don't know what you have until its gone..

I spent the last four weeks of my life without my car.

I can personally testify on behalf of the cliche "you don't know what you have till its gone". Once my car is returned to me, I'm going to clean it from top to bottom. I vow to vacuum the interior, wash the exterior, clean the panels, clean the windows and shampoo the floor mats. I am even including cleaning the rims, which by the way is the most tedious job of all car cleaning tasks. To summarize, I WANT MY FUCKING CAR BACK!

I've spent my last few days watching videos on YouTube and other such sources. Also, if you're unfamiliar with the Firefox add-on StumbleUpon, I highly suggest that you download it. Stumble, as it is referred to in social circles, is a program that takes the user to a randomly selected site that matches interests that are preselected. You can find Stumble here

Here's something that I StumbledUpon a while back.

Someone save me from boredom!!

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